Friday, February 17, 2012

Internship and wedding

After a few days of group drama, boredness, and lots of sleeping, yesterday and today turned out to be really cool.

Yesterday was my first real day at the internship!
 Andrielle and I got up on the earlier side so we could prepare for our lessons for the day. Everyone else has to be at their internships at 8, we get to go at 10. booyah! We left on the earlier side to go to the mall and pick up supplies for our students. We got notebooks, markers, pencils, papers, etc. Then I thought we should go to the book store to pick up some basic level grammar and practice books for the people who are taking the class. After I buy the books, I walk towards the door and coming towards me is someone wearing a t-shirt saying, "First United Methodist Church Pittsburg" with the cross and flame. I probably got a little too excited but I went up to him and introduced myself. He said that he was traveling with a group from his church in Ohio and they were with the two head pastors at the church in Dar es Salaam! He brought me to them on the other side of the mall and we talked for several minutes. They were as excited to meet me as I was them, which was lovely. I will attempt to make contact with them soon, but this coming weekend I'm going to a Catholic church.

My internship is turning out to be quite wonderful. Andrielle and I go on Thursdays and for this week we went on Friday too. Regularly we will only teach English on Thursday and work on product designs on Fridays. Yesterday we arrived at 2pm for the one class we thought we'd be teaching. Last week we walked around and talked to everyone at the workshop, about 30 people, and it seemed that everyone was excited to be learning English. Yesterday, only 3 people came to class. Andrielle and I were very confused. We carried on and had a wonderful English course. We figured out that one of the people we were teaching did not know how to read or write. Andrielle spent a lot of the time with him while i worked with the others on learning basic introductions.

We then talked to one of the workers who speaks English fairly well. He said that the woman who runs the workshop (by the way she is a rather eccentric Nordic woman) had said only three people were chosen to take the class but everyone wanted to. We decided to talk to the woman and tell her we were willing to teach anyone who wanted to learn.

That night we were invited to a Tanzanian wedding party. Tanzania is all about the parties, especially for weddings. This wedding was the cousin of one of our local guides. Actually, it wasn't the wedding but the send off party for the bride. This happens a few days before the actual wedding. It was sort of interesting. Everything happened like an american wedding, but the groom wasn't there! there was dancing, gifts, speeches, cake etc. Actually it was interesting because the maid of honor sat at the head table with the bride, she cut the cake with the bride, and she danced with the bride. I had such a good time. It was so great to be a part of something so wonderful that waas also part of regular life in Tanzania. Not to mention, the food was incredible.

The next day, today, We had 4 classes and all but three of the workers came! It just about wore us out, though. We had two beginner classes, one advanced, and one literacy class. We found out that two other women did not know how to read either. These women are in their late forties and one of them has 7 children! She must be a pretty incredible woman to have come all this way with out being able read, or walk, for that matter. Both of the women ride around in hand-pedal bicycles. So incredible. I am already learning far more from them than they are from me. They are all so excited to have us there and are begging us to have more classes than once a week. Unfortuantely, the scary Nordic woman says that it would take away too much time from the work they need to complete.

At lunch time we sat with some of the women who make paper, beads, and soap. They were just wonderful. After inquiring if I have a husband, I have now been set up with three sons and four brothers. Apparently I'm supposed to be married at my age. They were so kind and good to us, and I am so excited to be working with them. We are going to have so much fun!!!

I will try to take pictures of my workspace soon. Love to you all!


  1. I'm so excited about your English classes! Great to hear about your weekend!
    And you never know when you will find a United Methodist...remember how Dad met some women while he was buying fabric in So. Africa!

  2. lolol at being set up with all the boys now XD so funny

    that's totally interesting about the wedding celebrations! haha it's like the pre-party? more excuse for parties!

    you're so awesome for teaching english! i cant even begin to figure out how to do that one. i'm sure you dont have the madame face too even better! haha ;)
