Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The long awaited post

I've been getting some comments that I haven't updated my blog in while. Alas, this was for a reason. Last week I dropped my computer off of my bed which broke the internet stick that plugs into my usb drive. Finally, after trekking to the mall to get a new one, I have new, faster, but more expensive internet.

I dedicate this post to my lovely friends Anamarie and Kenny, who are engaged to be married! :)
Kenny proposed upon her arrival home in the airport. Yes, I did know about this ahead of time, and it was nearly impossible to keep the secret while she was here!

The rest of our week was lovely. I had some class, but we've had continued missing professors for all but two of our classes. My internship at the nursery has been completely cancelled. I'm not sure what's happening for the school, but I'm worried about the kids. I found out today that I'll be working for a group called "Wonder Welders" which actually has a website you can check out: http://www.wonderwelders.org/. I visit thursday to find out what I'll be doing. It's certainly not what I expected, but I know I'll enjoy it.

This meant that Anamarie and I got another chance to go out and explore the city together. We say a few different areas and attempted to figure out with daladala goes where. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Along with a few others we've taken a few other excursions to find yummy and cheap places to eat. It's been a fun adventure. There's nothing better than exploring a big city with a good friend.

Believe it or not, I actually have had homework. I guess that's why they call it study abroad. We had a take home quiz for Swahili today. I'm feeling a bit frustrated. I feel like I'm far behind everyone else in the class. I remember feeling like this constantly with French. But then I remember I've only been learning for 2 1/2 weeks. Languages really are not my thing which is too bad, because I love learning them!

I will be returning to updating every few days again so I have some more interesting things to say. Until then, I bid you adieu!

1 comment:

  1. that must've been crazy difficult not to tell anamarie about the engagement XD

    oooh wonder welders! you'll be a blacksmith in no time! :P

    you're probably doing just fine with swahili :) just stay calm and don't compare yourself too much! do your best to do it at your own pace since you love to learn

    kisses and hugs!
